Thursday, January 1, 2009

Mono Printing on Gel

Self-victimization is a sad thing. Need somebody for a presentation on anything remotely related to quilting? Just whisper in my direction. It won't matter if I'm an expert: I KNOW can fake it (having memorized the 260 arts and craft books in my library and having given up many decades ago planning lessons for my day job). When reality sets in, I will then beat myself up over not actually being an expert on a subject I've volunteered to speak on for 45 minutes. But I'll appear for free (operative work volunteer) and ya gets what ya pays for.

For example, when my friend Jean said she needed a few speakers to fill in her programs schedule for the year, I volunteered to demo mono-printing for the fine ladies of HQU. I don't know much about it, actually, but I've been in audiences where the speaker knows less about her subject than I do about smearing paint on muslin. Still, I should actually know something about the process.

To that end, I bought Rayna Gilman's book (a legitimate reason to buy a book!) and her DVD (belt and suspenders--just in case I forget how to read directions and interpret the diagrams) and have practiced most of the techniques therein.

The fabric is BORING and wants some rubberstamping and detailing here and there. Once I have tweaked the fabric to my satisfaction, I'll be able to speak, smear, doodle and stamp for 30 minutes.

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