Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Tyvek Explorations

"Tyvek Explorations" is an on-line class offered through Joggles.com. This piece shows some Tyvek that was painted on both sides with Lumiere then stitched onto some batik and some cheap velvet. The accompanying bright orange fabric is lame'. All stitching was done in one swell foop--fastening and quilting are the same threads. After all was fastened securely, I hit the Tyvek and the neighboring double-sided lame' with my heat gun. Tyvek melted everywhere except at the stitching. The lame' melted toshow the color I faced it with. Lots of controlled shredding.
The piece needs an edge. Typically, I didn't finish it. I had to be somewhere else instead.
Do I like it? Is it finished? Where is it supposed to go from here? All excellent questions and all without answers.


Anonymous said...

Wow. It never occurred to me to use a heat gun after the Tyvek is stitched down. I love the results.

Ann said...

Hey, Susan,

Love the blog (read it start to finish thanks to a link I found at WAHS site).

It's good to catch up on you. I am inspired by your creativity, yet remain land-locked in my singularly isolated craft.